Port Labs partners with Silicon Valley Advantage accelerator to grow support for startups

Hustle Circle - Sponsored by Square

Helping local businesses survive COVID-19

Thank you, City of Oakland, for Enabling us to Help Small Businesses Adapt to COVID-19

Port Labs & Manufacturing Incubators from Around the Country Discuss Innovation During COVID-19

COVID-19 - A New Strategy for Parklets

COVID-19 - East Oakland Small Business Support

COVID-19 - The Low-Cost Sneeze Guard

Oakland Fab City 2019 Retrospective

Oakland Fab City Innovation Center - our findings
The Oakland Fab City team researched and toured sites across the US who are working in various ways to support innovation in manufacturing. Our report and findings help us imagine a healthy ecosystem in Oakland which does this in a way that is relevant to the needs all of us in this city - now and in the future.

COVID-19 - PPE Production

Fab City Response to COVID-19: Resourcefulness, Creativity, Collaboration, Impact

Elevator Works is now Port Product Lab

Co-Design with Ninth Graders - a Case Study

Kicking off our Emerging Manufacturer Study

Oakland Fab City Travel Blog - Chapter I: Chicago & Detroit

We need ALL our citizens to participate in the Fab City economy

Preparing Students for Tomorrow's Workforce

Fab Lab partners working to provide emergency homeless shelters in Rochester, NY