Fab Lab partners working to provide emergency homeless shelters in Rochester, NY
Bill Young, engineer at ShopBot, has co-created an open source design for a temporary flat-pack building design. It’s called Shelter 2.0, and has so far been fabricated by several dozen partners around the world. Bill is iterating on the design, and is currently working to find ways to make the Shelter in sites without expensive tooling, and finding partners who can make use of the structure to help solve problems. He hopes to see the Shelter help solve transitional housing needs of homeless in US cities, and is working with House of Mercy, a shelter in Rochester NY, to encourage them to adopt the structure to help with their growing local client population.
We’re in early days of a conversation here in Oakland about how this sort of project and other resources of the global Fab Lab network can help with problems we have here, today.
Join the conversation at @goElevatorWorks - we’d love to hear your thoughts.