Member Stories : METRE

Metre’s Glenn Forrester (Founder and CTO) and Nicole Ing (Senior Scientist) love their experience at Port Labs. We're thrilled to hear that our flexible office/lab space perfectly suits their business needs.

Port Labs welcomed Metre to the ground floor of our office space in early summer 2023—in a private lab with amenities custom built for their research. Their team is hard at work building the prototype for their first product: MetreAce—an easy-to-use, noninvasive breath acetone measurement device.

Metre’s goal is to make accurate metabolic health insights accessible and pain-free for their users. Their technology lets users track ketosis and blood sugar levels with the accuracy and precision of a blood BHB ketone test at a fraction of the cost. With MetreAce, the user experience is effortless enough to encourage frequent testing throughout the day, which leads to a more detailed picture of the user’s health.

Thanks to the progress Metre has been able to make (in part due to the benefits of their Port Labs membership), they’re on track to have working prototypes of MetreAce in the hands of users within the year!

Port Labs’ Community Manager, Tatyana Brown, sat down for a brief chat with Glenn and Nicole about their experiences as members. Here are some of the highlights from that conversation:

Port Labs: Why is Port Labs a great fit for your business?

Metre: Basically, we only pay for what we need from an office space/lab space.

…Coming out of Covid in the new remote work reality; it was clear that we only needed physical space for our lab. All of the other regular office functions are now part-time needs which we can get ‘as needed’ at Port Labs and not have to pay monthly for a largely unused conference room, kitchenette, etc.

PL: Is there anything you get from Port Labs that feels unique or especially useful?

Metre: Having access to 3D printers, a laser cutter, a wood shop, and a giant, shared toolbox has saved us tons of time and money by allowing us to build our jigs and prototypes “in-house” and saving us from dozens of trips to the hardware store for tools and days of turnaround waiting for gear from MacMaster Carr and Grainger.

All the shared amenities are great too! Coffee, bubble water… and a gated lot make 24/7 access feel safe for all of us.

We're proud to support Metre’s innovation journey and provide a collaborative environment where they can focus on what matters most.

Read more about Metre’s exciting work on their website!


Hardware Happy Hour : Join us for a refreshing Summer Hardware Happy Hour at Port Labs!


Member Stories: Supportive Housing Community Land Alliance