COVID-19 - Desk Guard Modular Partition System
Like so many things COVID-related, we recognized that currently available products in the space of desk partitions are too expensive for most companies to deploy as temporary solutions. Just like emergency COVID PPE production, it’s important to think about the “good enough” solution.

We designed a system based on abundant and inexpensive corrugated plastic. Others had designed a simple pop-together reusable rachet connector which works well with this material. We designed panels, butt, T, and corner braces which give the system the ability to be deployed in simple modular ways. All the desk units we’re making today are sized for 6’ minimum spacing for social distancing, but this system can be adapted easily to smaller units (4’ or 5’ long partition spaces) by replacing the side panels. It can accommodate various desk and table depths by changing the side panels. It uses simple tabs and double-sided tape to attach to the surface below.
We’ve made this system available in configurations that start at $100 for a single U-shaped unit. The per seat price gets significantly lower in multi-unit configurations, which can be connected together to install on longer tables and multi desk systems like the Steelcase unit pictured.